This organization is currently dormant. For inquiries contact

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you the instructors?

Not usually. Most instructors come from communities where we work and are not members of A Tu Lado. We seek out local physicians, first responders, and others when building our curricula, and we invite these individuals to help teach our programs. A Tu Lado's primary role is to facilitate the process, and we help instruct only when we can provide a perspective or approach that differs from our partners'.

Why Venezuela and Bolivia?

A Tu Lado originally went to Venezuela and Bolivia following invitations to collaborate with local organizations. What we learned from those first trips encouraged us to continue our work in those places.
EMS education in Venezuela and Bolivia is often fragmented and inconsistent among local EMS agencies. By creating standardized, university-based EMS training programs in Venezuela and Bolivia, A Tu Lado hopes to improve emergency response on a systemic level.

What are your goals?

We have three main goals:

How are you funded?

We receive funding from several sources, including:

Are you paid to do this?

No. Each person involved in A Tu Lado's projects is a volunteer; no one is paid for contributing their time or knowledge.

Where is your Form 990?

A Tu Lado reports financial statements via the 990-N e-postcard, which provides the IRS with contact information for a nonprofit's leadership. (Given that A Tu Lado's total financial exchanges are less than $25,000 annually, the IRS does not require that we complete the full Form 990.) If you would like to view financial records, please refer to our spring newsletters.

How can I get involved?

If you would like to support A Tu Lado's mission or have ideas to share, we want to hear from you. We are especially interested in connecting with grant writers, healthcare educators, and educational institutions in Latin America.